I'm dealing with the sting of an art rejection today, this sting led me to think, maybe I could use a painting class or 40. Most of my color training is print based, from my design career. The print colors are: cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. They make up all the colors you see in all the magazines and such we folks look at every day. I've painted with these 4 colors in mind since 1995. I did some research today and have been encouraged to remove black from my palette. In order to do this I will have to approach colors in another way. This triangle color study is me reminding myself of the normal way to mix paint colors, with the three primary colors: red, blue, and yellow. I may try using them for a while to see what happens. Supposedly my paintings will brighten the hell up. I'm also told I may need to decide on a subject and keep painting it, I'm not that great with decisions so I'm not sure how that will go.