Saturday, July 14, 2012

My 40th Trip Around the Sun | Day 1 | My Birthday

Today is my 39th birthday, or as my Dad would say, it's the day I entered my 40th year.

It's funny how one year can change a person. Last year, the birth of my second daughter and death of my grandmother were my biggest life alterations. The second event sparked my quick exit out of Austin and move back home to Rhode Island.

This birthday I was blessed with surfing, family, and friends.

Top Birthday Memories:
1. Waking next to my two girls
2. Surfing with my husband and his new stand-up paddle board
3. Making my mom laugh talking about my skinny self and still fat belly
4. Hearing Aunty Lou tell me she was
feeling great and "ready to get out" with her cute laugh
5. My lunch and still warm free bday cookie from the "Picnic Basket"
6. The smell of the beach
7. My kids and their cousins and the bday whoopie cushion laughter
8. Seeing my Pop play 9/5 with my Dad, Husband, and Brother-in-law
9. Seeing my youngest still in her swimsuit, after our return from surfing
10. My niece singing and saying "Happy Birthday" a million times with balloons
11. My many txts and emails from friends and family
12. My oldest daughter's bday excitement, insisting on making me a special fruit dessert before bed, feeding me a chocolate chip and strawberry together, telling me, "you have to try this"
13. My pop telling me how much yard work he left me for tomorrow after his week of digging around the pool looking for leaks
14. Seeing my sister eat ice cream cake and making us all laugh about kids and ear infections
15. Confucious banter with my husband on the ride home from the beach

So here we are, on another go around.