This painting is for a favorite neighbor, it's an exchange for some wonderful dog watching they did a ways back. The painting is a mountain top in Oregon. They live here in Austin, but they miss Oregon. I've never been to Oregon, so obviously this painting is from a photo. It's funny how when you paint from a photo there is so much less information to translate on to the canvas. I haven't been painting too much this year. Luckily, this one came very easy, the less I paint the more fearful I am about picking up a brush. I applied to RISD's MFA program and didn't get in. I didn't have $68,000 laying around, so it's probably a blessing. I have trouble painting after rejection. I have read, in the "Artist's Way" that this is very normal and the only cure is to constantly submit work while continuing to paint. Of course thick skin and a core belief in one's worth wouldn't hurt.