I've been amazed lately how people are now able find my art, art from 2006 that I'm not actively marketing, via the internet. I have so many paintings in storage, never before published on the internet, only in one show or another over the years.
So, I've decided that when I don't have time to paint, I'm going to post some of my older work. My blog will then also serve as a more complete archive of my life as an artist, which by the way did not begin in 2006, when this blog began. It began in 1989 with my first pointalism project done in high school, under the watchful eye of Ms. Mota-Costa, a RISD grad, and genius high school art teacher, at my not so great public school of West Warwick High. I followed every dot, used a grid, and still my piece was not precise, but everyone, including my parents loved it. To this day, that sums up my style of painting: Me, working tirelessly to paint exactly what I see, and somehow walking away with my own interpretation. Completing that project was the first thing in life, other than sports, that I could work on for hours and never notice the time.
Today's blog piece was completed in 1997, my now husband and I, spent one year documenting all the changes in Times Square, (the last days with peep shows and cheap coffee) he with text, me with paint and charcoal. This is number 47 of one of over 250 paintings. One in the series got me into my first show in NYC at The New Yorker Gallery.