I'm fascinated by this huge wave. And scared just thinking of the pull I would feel sitting on my surf board near the peak. God, I miss the ocean and surfing.
I did a few environmental color studies earlier in the blog, maybe you remember the one that went from the earth's core to the ocean's surface. This study is from the sky to the trees to the water.
Throughout this book, I deliberately tried not to show a lot of the character's faces, hoping that it would help the readers put themselves in the story.
My grandpa is one of my favorite people on earth. He has a few shirts he does his yard work in, they inspired this grandpa's shirt, but my pop's shirts are blue. I may have to change this one.
I fear running out of water. This spring fed pool makes Austin great. It's a miracle that it exists. I've decided today that if the entire world relied on solar energy maybe we could reverse global warming.